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WallStreet Forex Robot 3.0 2025-01-02 13:46:06

Telegram introduces NFT collectible gifts, enables third-party marketplace trading

Telegram’s first update of 2025 introduces collectible gifts, enabling users to transfer or trade upgraded gifts on NFT marketplaces. Telegram , a multi-platform messaging service, has kicked off 2025 with a major update, introducing collectible gifts that can be traded as non-fungible tokens on third-party marketplaces. In a blog post dated Jan. 1, Telegram announced that gifts sent or received on its platform can now be upgraded to “collectibles.” These collectibles feature unique designs, secondary traits like background colors and icons, and varying levels of rarity. According to Telegram, over 1,400 variations of gifts such as “Homemade Cake” and “Jelly Bunny” are already available, with plans to expand the collection in the future. “When you upgrade a gift it unlocks a new appearance from dozens of custom variations made by Telegram artists. Collectibles also receive a random set of secondary traits, including a background color, icon and number.” Telegram You might also like: How Telegram made over half a billion dollars thanks to crypto? Telegram noted that upgrades require Telegram Stars — virtual items that enable users to purchase digital goods and services through bots and mini apps within the Telegram ecosystem — to cover blockchain fees. The platform emphasized that collectibles are functional, allowing users to transfer them to others or auction them “on NFT marketplaces.” However, Telegram did not specify which marketplaces would support these transactions. The update also includes additional features. Users can now react to service messages, such as notifications triggered when someone sends a gift, joins a group, or starts a video chat. Telegram has also introduced filters for message searches, enabling users to narrow results by private chats, groups, or channels. Read more: Scam Sniffer warns of fake Influencers and Telegram bots spreading crypto-malware

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