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BitcoinSistemi 2024-12-10 12:50:08

Google Unveils Its Revolutionary New Product! Are Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies in Danger?

Google announced yesterday that it has introduced its new quantum chip, which it claims will solve in 5 minutes a problem that the world's fastest supercomputers can currently complete in 10 septillion years (10 to the power of 25 years). Accordingly, Google has developed a new chip in the field of quantum computing and named it “Willow”. It was stated that the chip will accelerate the development process of new drugs and that it will be able to perform processes that take years in the experimental phase in minutes. “We have been working on post-quantum encryption standards for years and collaborating with major companies and academics in this space,” Charina Chou, Director of Quantum AI at Google, said in a statement. Danger to Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies? While Google's Quantum chip is making a big splash, the question of what this means for Bitcoin and crypto security has come to the fore. While it is stated that quantum computers can solve the encryption mechanisms in the security infrastructure of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, this move by Google has raised security concerns for BTC and cryptocurrencies. But tech entrepreneur and former Google senior product manager Kevin Rose said in a statement that Willow is still a long way from posing a threat to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. “To decrypt Bitcoin, a quantum computer with approximately 13 million qubits is needed that can decrypt it within 24 hours. In comparison, Google's Willow chip is a significant improvement, but consists of 105 qubits. Still, this is a significant advancement in quantum computing, but we still have a long way to go.” *This is not investment advice. Continue Reading: Google Unveils Its Revolutionary New Product! Are Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies in Danger?

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