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Coin Edition 2024-12-27 08:03:31

Uphold Crypto Exchange Lists RLUSD Stablecoin, Offers 5% Rewards

Uphold has added the RLUSD stablecoin to its trading platform. The crypto exchange activated a reward program for the RLUSD program. RLUSD’s listing on Uphold boosts Ripple’s credibility among crypto users. The Uphold cryptocurrency exchange has added the RLUSD stablecoin to its trading platform, boosting Ripple’s credibility and promoting the product’s adoption and other products associated with the FinTech company. In a recent podcast , Uphold CEO Simon Mcloughlin explained the crypto exchange’s recent moves in listing the stablecoin, highlighting the reward program, allowing users to earn 5% of their RLUSD deposit from January 2025. Further, McLoughlin stated the RLUSD reward program is the latest in a line of stablecoin-related earning opportunities that Uphold offers. Registered users on Uphold must log in at least once a month and perform designated activities to qualify for the reward. Meanwhile, the Uphold CEO explained that the reward is a marketing strategy the company uses to engage its users and encourage them to be active on the platform. The exchange generates the funds for the reward from its balance sheet by allocating part of … The post Uphold Crypto Exchange Lists RLUSD Stablecoin, Offers 5% Rewards appeared first on Coin Edition .

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