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BitcoinSistemi 2024-12-27 10:49:08

Binance Alpha Announces 8th Party Tokens in Pre-Listing Program! Here Are the Details

Binance Alpha, the pre-listing platform of leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance, has announced its eighth batch of project tokens featuring various concepts and blockchain ecosystems. Binance Alpha Announces 8th Party Project Tokens The latest batch of tokens includes: ARC: An AI-themed open source framework token built with Rust. WHY: An elephant-themed meme token built on the BNB Chain. APU: A sad frog themed token running on the Ethereum network. HAPPY: A cheerful cat-themed token developed on the Solana blockchain. FWOG: A frog-themed meme token, also based on the Solana blockchain. Expanding the Ecosystem Binance Alpha continues to highlight projects with innovative themes and broad appeal by supporting various blockchain ecosystems such as Ethereum, BNB Chain, and Solana. The inclusion of meme tokens alongside functional frameworks like ARC reflects the platform’s commitment to appealing to a wide range of crypto enthusiasts and investors. Stay tuned for updates on these projects as Binance Alpha evaluates their potential for future listings on the main exchange. *This is not investment advice. Continue Reading: Binance Alpha Announces 8th Party Tokens in Pre-Listing Program! Here Are the Details

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