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Coin Edition 2024-12-28 09:28:24

The SEC May Drop the Ripple Case After Donald Trump Resumes Office

Charles Gasparino foresees the SEC dropping the case against Ripple. Gasparino has followed the SEC vs. Ripple case from the onset. The journalist considers the SEC’s litigation against Ripple unnecessary. Charles Gasparino, a FOX Business journalist, foresaw that the SEC would drop the case against Ripple after Donald Trump assumes office as the next U.S. President. Notably, Gasparino has been following the SEC-Ripple case from the beginning and crypto lawyer John Deaton noted that Gasparino was the first mainstream journalist to report the SEC’s regulatory overreach in the case. Hate him or love him, it is a fact, early on, @CGasparino , with help from @EleanorTerrett , was the only mainstream journalist who reported on the regulatory overreach by the @SECGov in the @Ripple case. — John E Deaton (@JohnEDeaton1) December 27, 2024 In a recent interview, Gasparino highlighted the backlash he got from Ripple and XRP supporters despite his efforts to expose the SEC’s unnecessary actions against the project. He stated that with the help of his colleague Eleanor Terrett, he wrote about the SEC’s overreach to raise awareness on the… The post The SEC May Drop the Ripple Case After Donald Trump Resumes Office appeared first on Coin Edition .

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