An individual known as Blader, whose 5-year-old daughter is suffering from a brain tumor, has been involved in launching a cryptocurrency token called $ZERO. Despite receiving charitable donations amounting to millions for his daughter's medical expenses, Blader launched the token and advised against its purchase. However, investors bought the token, leading to Blader selling half of the supply, which has been described as a 'rug pull' by some in the crypto community. In response to the backlash, Blader has committed to using his personal funds to reimburse those who lost money on $ZERO, with a reported amount of $600,000 set aside for this purpose. This situation has sparked controversy and debate within the cryptocurrency industry, with some questioning the ethics of using personal tragedy as a marketing strategy for a cryptocurrency project. This is an AI-generated article powered by DeepNewz, curated by The Defiant. For more information, including article sources, visit DeepNewz . To continue reading this as well as other DeFi and Web3 news, visit us at