On Tuesday, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin responded to calls from the community for the resignation of Ethereum Foundation (EF) director Aya Miyaguchi following mounting criticism and a wave of online attacks directed at her leadership. The criticism, which centers around accusations of ineffectiveness, leadership missteps, and frustration with the EF's direction, prompted Buterin to respond in a post on X. He defended Miyaguchi, dismissing the criticism as part of a broader "scapegoat attack" against her. He referenced a mistranslated interview in Wired Japan, which misrepresented her stance on competition and success within the Ethereum ecosystem. Buterin further pointed to the wider social media environment, which he claims has become toxic, contributing to the barrage of negative attention. To continue reading this as well as other DeFi and Web3 news, visit us at thedefiant.io